Friday, September 5, 2014

Celebrations #3 and a link up!

Alright, alright, it's FRIDAY!! That came fast, but also slow if you know what I mean. I decided it's been a while since I did a celebration post, so I'm going to celebrate things and people today! Because celebrating makes everything feel great. Also, I'm linking up with Karli for Oh, Hey Friday! Because it's Friday, and link ups also are fun. Celebrate link ups!

Celebrate awkward pictures! It's another one of my teacher outfits that I felt like show casing. I had an even better outfit the other day, but I was living my life and forgot to take pictures. Sorry. Blogger fail.

Ok, 5 things from this week I'm feeling like celebrating:

1. It was labor day so I had no school. Also, on Labor Day it was my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary! I love my grandparents so much. Talk about amazing people worth celebrating... they are the definition! I look up to them in so many ways, and I hope they know they created a wonderful family!

2. Love notes from children during the second week of school. WHAT?? This usually doesn't happen until January!!! Because I'm mean, I confiscate them and then I post them on the internet, so here you go, you can celebrate this note too. "[name] I love you. Love [other name]." and in response to that, from [name], "I love you. I kiss you."

Needless to say, [name] took it really hard when I took that note from him.

3. This girl and her braiding skills. Please, teach me!

4. The fact that my sister comes home from her mission in 3 months. Living sisterless for this long has not been good to me!

5. Finishing a book for the first time in months! The Maze Runner. Weird, but intense, and I just started the second one. Can't wait for the movie! Have any of you read it? What did you think? Also, I used to read like 12 books a week as a kid. Where did that person go? I'll tell you where she went. She parked her behind on the couch to watch all 9 seasons of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix. (Speaking of which, when will season 10 be on netflix?!? I NEED IT.)

Happy weekend people! What are you celebrating?

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  1. I love that dress! I really need to get my hands on a chambray dress! Have a great weekend!!

    Amanda - Life With Grace

  2. aweeee you mentioned me. i'm honored :)! but really it's super easy, you just pull it out after you braid it!
    the little diary

  3. That dress is so gorgeous! Perfect late summer dress. :)

  4. Seriously cute outfit! And I have not read that book but might need to, the movie looks interesting!

  5. I am waiting for season 10 to be on Netflix too! Ah!

  6. I just finished the maze runner series and I loved it! It does get really sad though.

    1. I have to say, I was not thrilled with the end. I felt like I still had so many questions! It kept me on the edge of my seat for sure though.

  7. You are amazing for looking so cute all day long at school. I love your teacher outfits! :)

    1. Thank you! Kids are the most honest people I know ha ha, they let me know if I don't look good, so I try to put in some effort for my own sanity!

  8. Seriously on reading books, I used to be able to read a new book every day and now all I do is sit and watch Netflix. It's so hard to break away.


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