Saturday, August 31, 2013

same girl, same blog, new design.

Hey there, everyone. You may have noticed that my blog received a make-over of epic proportions in the last little bit! There just comes a time in one's life when it's time to change it up. In with the new, out with the old, or vice versa however people like to say that these days.

I've been blogging for quite some time. Since 2010, actually. (and by the way, 2011 was a really good blogging year, so if you're ever bored out of your mind and need something to read, feel free to browse my archives!) When I first started blogging, it was my second year of college, and I was in a slump. I actually remember the day very clearly. I was sitting on my bed during a snow storm. Regardless, it was a trying time for me. I was in a relationship that should have been over months before, and I was in the habit of crying myself to sleep over it, and feeling like there was no one to talk to. I mean, apparently all I wanted to talk about were my tv shows of choice and blah blah blah, but sometimes you just need an outlet, right?

A lot of bloggers write about why they write blogs. Most profess that it is purely for themselves. Others are open about the fact that they do it for networking, friends, free stuff, etc. So I've been thinking a lot about why I blog, and I think I've got it nailed down.

I blog because I want to be heard. My name is Madeline, and my thoughts and feelings are just as important as anyone else's, and I feel like they need to be heard! It's so easy to get lost in the shuffle of life, to just accept that you aren't going to be listened to, or noticed, or what-have-you... and I'm not saying that's how I feel about life or anything. I have a great husband and family who are always willing to listen and think I am of great value. But you know, I think blogs are a great way to connect and say, "you feel that way? I feel that way too!" or "you do that? i do that too!" right? Sometimes we have these little thoughts, feelings, passions, funny stories... and we just need someone to relate to. I express myself best in writing. There have been so many times I have needed to tell someone something, or explain something, and I feel like I can't adequately do it justice. I always think to myself, I wish I could write them a letter!

But then there's always the question of, but am I really being real on this blog? Am I sharing my deep thoughts? Am I showing the world who I really am? And for the most part, I am. (Let me tell you, in 2011, I totally was.) I wrote a post this last week about feeling insecure for many reasons with friends, and five minutes after posting it, I deleted it. So, some of you saw it, most of you didn't, and I don't really feel bad about it. It was a spur of the moment emotional post that showed a side of me rarely seen on this blog (except for 2011/2012, let me tell you) and I decided to get rid of it. I'm not quite sure why. Maybe someday I'll try that one again. But for now, I love to share humor, love, and most of my life here. And if that just happens to bring along new friends and opportunities with it? I welcome that with open arms.

And speaking of new friends, I feel like I have already made so many, and that has really brought a new spark to my love of writing on this space. I love knowing that you're reading and you like what I write, or you had a similar experience. And I love going to your blogs and checking out your thoughts as well! It's so exciting when I find someone new, and can really relate to them. I think that's really the best thing about blogging. We're all from such different places, but we can all relate to each other through writing down our thoughts! This day and age is so amazing. With technology, people who never would have met are coming together all over the world. It's so nice to see how many good people are out there.

So, my name is Madeline, and I deserve to be heard. That's why I blog.

p.s. even though the name has changed, the p.s. will remain. i think about getting rid of it all the time, but that seems to make people upset, so it will stick around! thanks for reading!

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