Tuesday, November 5, 2013

this is the way we do life

^^ obligatory couples picture ^^

Sometimes Alex and I look at each other, and we say, "What do you want to do today?"
This is usually followed by, "Let's not watch Gilmore Girls all day."
On Sunday we decided that instead of watching Gilmore Girls all day, we would go on a walk.
But wait... AFTER just ONE episode of Gilmore Girls, and dinner.
And then three episodes later we decided to go on a walk to our favorite first dam. (sight of the first kiss!) But when we got there it was (shocker?) kind of cold and windy. We looked around at the ducks and geese and casually asked them why hadn't they migrated yet? What is the impending date of migration? Do they know they are supposed to leave? Now would be the time, we assured them.
Then we looked at each other.
"Well..." Alex said.
I'm the most shameful picture subject. I seriously dread asking people to take my picture, and then I feel like a total goof standing in front of the camera.
"Let's do a jumping picture!"
"You actually have to get your feet off the ground..." (story of my life.)

After which, on our way home we drove around the rich neighborhoods of Logan and pictured our lives together in 30 years. We decided we like brick houses with big columns. East Coast style. None of the Utah stucco and stone combos.

And then we went home and watched another episode of Gilmore Girls. (which actually means like, four. Whoops.)

p.s. why is it when it comes to cooking meals I'm like meh... but when it comes to treats I'm always ready?


  1. Why is asking my husband to take my picture like the most awkward thing ever?

    I love Logan in the fall. We keep trying to get up there to visit our besties but it just never worked out! Next year I guess :(

  2. Soooo my husband is named Alex too, and we just finished watching all the Gilmore Girls episodes :) :) Ahh. How far are you? Plus we love taking walks on Sunday's too.

  3. You have the best pictures and captions... cracking up! And I love your blog design too, btw! :) I have never watched a single episode of Gilmore Girls though!


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