Sunday, November 2, 2014

HALL to the OW to the EEN

Oh Halloween, where do I start?

Last week was a doozy. And by last week I mean last month. I mean that in the sense that I love October just like everyone else in their right mind loves October, and yet I don't feel like I fully enjoyed October this month. This is a tragedy in and of itself. October is meant to be enjoyed. This year, October was a never ending to-do list - with great weather and a good attitude.

All month I was thinking about what I should be for Halloween. I pinterested with the best of intentions. I thought about getting together the good ole Madeline costume. I thought and dreamed and whatever else you can say with the connotation of "never actually did".

So it was with a great spurt of energy and motivation that on October 30 I was going to put together my costume for the next day. Suddenly I got the news that my lovely sister-in-law had received her mission call (on a Thursday???) so basically my evening was spent at a primary presidency meeting (oh yeah got a new calling also) and watching her open her call (Carlsbad, California! Literally THEEE most beautiful place on these continental states - said in Chris Treager voice.)

Anyway long story short I went to school dressed as a fourth grader and had the following conversation:

J: Mrs. Casey, what are you dressed up as?
Me: A fourth grader!!
J: You don't look like a fourth grader, you look like an adult dressed like a fourth grader.
Me: Is that not the point of halloween costumes in general??
J: ....

I feel like I give Alex this face more often than not. 
this is an average pose for a fourth grader. trust me, I know.
in this one I am making an Olivia face (my sister) and not on purpose. I miss her, so I had to share.
pretty great costume, huh? you can pin it on pinterest if you want. I wouldn't blame you.
 But not to worry my fine friends. On Halloween evening Alex and I threw together a last minute couples costume to blow all other couples costumes out of the black lagoon. We were snails.

 See ya next year, national costume procrastination day Halloween!

 photo madeline-sig_zps3d16e9d1.png

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