Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I've got soul, but I'm not a soldier

Today I had an epic battle with a spider. And I don't use the word "epic" lightly. You may recall other episodes with spiders - see here and here. I woke up feeling really good about life. The sun was shining through the window, I was in a really comfortable position, and it was 10 a.m. I groggily made my way into the bathroom and closed the door. Because of events not directly related to the story, I was reaching for the toilet paper. When I pulled down on the roll, I saw something large and brown coming over with the paper. I probably don't have to tell you that it was a big ugly spider with long spiky legs and darker brown stripes. (insert gagging sound right here). It was really close to my hand, so I naturally panicked, flung the paper away from me and jumped away from where I happened to be at the time. That was when I noticed the spider charging toward me! I thought spiders were supposed to be more afraid of us than we are of them, but oh, how wrong I was. That spider had a mission, and it was moving as fast as it's spiky legs could carry it, straight for my toes. I let out a small scream, and flew to the door. I unlocked the lock as quickly as possible and dodged out, while flinging the door closed behind me. I promptly fell back into bed, and didn't move until my roommate came home and I told her all about it.

And no, the spider was never seen again.

p.s. Congratulations to Jenna Colvin, you're awesome and the Spanish speaking people of Washington will be really blessed to know you.


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