Thursday, January 20, 2011

i'd like to thank the academy

Well, my little sister's best friend has become my 25th follower. I told my sister that if I got 25, I would write another post to you all... so here goes nothing. I tried to think of many different creative ways to do this, but I think I'm just going to stick with my original idea. You will all receive a secret message from me. It's up to you to decide which one is yours! And by the way, if any of you are reading this, and you aren't following me, please feel free to do so! I won't think it's creepy, I would love to know you're reading even if I don't know you haha... And maybe when I hit another milestone number I'll do this again and you'll be mentioned!

1. You are beautiful.
2. I thought you didn’t like me very much in high school.
3. I wish I was in love like you are!
4. Sometimes I see you at Taco Tuesday and I don’t say anything.  So.. Hi.
5. I didn’t realize how much I needed you until you were gone.
6. Still don’t know who you are… but I’m sure I would like to!
7. You are a fun kid.
8. I really like talking to you, and I’m excited for next year!
9. I think you are awesome and funny. And I forgot to ask you what happened at his house!
10. you’re really cute, and I wish I had been more like you at your age.
11. I like that you think I’m cool.
12. I think about you every day… creepy? I just miss you.
13. You are better than you give yourself credit for.
14. Sometimes I don’t know what’s going on in your head, but I’m glad we’re friends.
15. You are one person I will never figure out.
16. I’m glad you love design more than I did.
17. I wish I would have been more invested in our friendship.
18. I’m glad we can be friends again this semester.
19. I can’t wait to hear about your adventures during the next 18 months!
20. I’m glad we’re friends and you don’t expect anything else from me.
21. You’re doing a good job at being nice and funny.
22. I’m sure you’ll make the right choice.
23. I just think you are really cool.
24. When we live next to each other in the future, your husband better not think I’m creepy.
25. I think you are a very interesting person.

p.s. i was a model for the last time today. thank goodness.


  1. hahahahaha i know which one is mine!!!!

    i burst into laughter as soon as i read it...

  2. I think I know which one is mine :)

  3. is mine 24? :) and is hannah's 25? :) :) :) :) smile :) =) :]

  4. or maybe 12, I hate this, now i'm second guessing myself.

  5. there is a method to the madness people, just saying.

  6. There are a few I'd be happy with...I hope mine includes the words...miss you...(:

  7. Oh I think you should tell me what mine is.


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