Tuesday, May 3, 2011

looks my way, or calls my name

Remember my delightful friend, Jenna Colvin? Yeah, she went on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And I miss her. So I write her letters every week. And sometimes I feel like they are more interesting than my blog, so here is an excerpt of what I have felt the need to tell her lately.

Dearest Sister Jenna Colvin fairest missionary in the land,

I just bought some lipstick. Online. From Target. Why? Oh, no reason except that I have become obsessed with this one girls blog and she wears it and she looks awesome.

Ok, seriously? Who am I?

Regardless, I’m really excited about it.

I read some of your blog today, but then it made me miss you a little bit more than usual, so I stopped. It was sunny and gorgeous outside, so I went to the library. I didn’t really go to the library to do anything… I just wanted an excuse to walk outside. Although, once I got to the library I remembered that I really needed to print some pages for my portfolio and complete an online final.

Oh, the things you remember when you decide to venture up to campus. This is real life? I have responsibilities? What?

I am moving home on Thursday! I really am excited. For a while last week I wasn’t excited. This was because (blah blah blah... sorry guys, you don't get the privilege of knowing why I was content to stay in Logan.) Now that that has ended, I feel like diving right back into life and embracing the summer.

But I can’t help thinking back to last summer…

Last year, at this time, I was finishing finals and getting excited to go to Nauvoo. When the day finally came, and I drove up to the church with my family and met up with Rachel, Haley, and Carli, I had no idea that my life was about to change forever. Honestly, if I hadn’t gone on that trip, I wouldn’t have become such good friends with you guys. I wouldn’t be rooming with Haley next year, feeling sad about Rachel leaving, or writing this letter to you right now. 

Do you get what I’m saying, Jenna Colvin? It’s those tiny moments. Those little choices. That pause in time where you get a text from a friend that says, “Do you want to go on the single’s ward trip to Nauvoo?” and you say yes.

Just three seconds of your life can change the rest of it.

And there is something about that, that I just LOVE.

p.s. thought i saw a cute boy at the library today... and then i saw him picking his nose, and i'm like... nope!


  1. i'm so glad we went to nauvoo! fate.
    oh and that's gross about that boy picking his nose.

  2. lol, yeah those nose pickers will get ya every time. what a lovely letter--she's a lucky friend to have you!!

  3. Once upon a time there was a young lad on a journey which took him through trees and up stairs and behind houses. Along that journey a young maiden called out to the company of the young lad, which was passing behind her abode. She yelled from the high tower and said, "Goest ye yander to the festival musical?" My company affirmed her inquiry and assisted the young maiden in knowing when the festival would commence. As the young lad continued on he looked back towards the abode and yelled out a question to the fleeting maiden. "Knowest thou if young maid Madeline abidest in this abode likewise?" The young maiden confirmed his inquiry and he told her to give her a hello whenst she spoke with maid Madeline again. With that the young lad continued on his journey and his company departed up the stairs of the nearest dwelling and towards the festival musical.



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