Tuesday, December 2, 2014


LEFT: Abigail aged 15 RIGHT: Me aged 18


You guys. I have been living sisterless for the past 8-9 months. Miss Abigail Newhouse left me two weeks after my marriage to Alex Casey. Miss Olivia Newhouse left me 8-9 months ago. Don't get me wrong, I totally enjoyed my free time with my mom. Just us two, living the dream... but every now and then I get super homesick feeling for my sisters. There's just nothing like sisters you know? There is no one else you can call your worst enemy and your best friend in one fell swoop and no feelings get hurt. Like, I swear to you, I have never been more angry at anyone than I have been at Abi, but we're best friends 5 minutes later, so WHO EVEN CARES?? That's a sister for you. 

I'm seriously going to cry happy tears right now just thinking that in 24 hours I'll have her right next to me. Someone will finally get my jokes!! And laugh at them!! (Alex gets them, but he's not much of a laugher.) (My mom gets them too and she does laugh. So I'm not totally hopeless. I don't know what I'm rambling about right now.) 

And we won't live together anymore, so she won't steal my clothes and that solves like 99.9% of our problems right there.

Get home, Abi!! The people of Texas will miss you, but it's my turn now. 

Ohhhhh my goodness. I'm a little ball of excitement right now.

Time to get off the internet.

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1 comment:

  1. So happy she is home! Both my sisters live a province away and I never see them. I miss them lots. I do agree that my sister makes me more angry than anyone has, but I love her tonsss to.


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