Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Starved for Conversation.

Hey! It's you!
You might not have heard, it's kind of on the down low, but there was a blizzard in Logan today.

You hadn't heard? Oh my, it was quite exciting!
Yes, I was just at work taking people's orders, when suddenly the door blew open and I noticed it was quite the storm outside!
Well, none of us could do anything about it. We just kept making sandwiches as usual.
Sure, a few people came in! They were all bundled up in their large jackets. It was comical to watch them stumble up to the door (they were being pushed by the wind) and then come in and quickly remove their hood, as if to tell us it really wasn't as bad out there as it looked.
Well, I got off around four.
I know, I was really nervous to leave, even though I've driven in snow before.
Everything went pretty well actually! I only slid a few times... it was when I hit the street my house is on that things went downhill. Actually things stopped altogether, because I kind of got stuck.
It was crazy! I could see my house about 200 yards away, but I think my car gave up all hope. I don't think it realized we were so close. It's tires got tired of pushing the snow.
Well, yes! I called my roommate, and she was much too busy to help me. So then I called my dad! He was actually on the way to Logan to rescue me, but he had to turn around because the snow was so bad.
Well, I finally was about to call AAA but then I noticed two figures making their way toward me.
No, I didn't know who they were.
Yes, they came right up to me! They told me they would help me. After quite a bit of pushing, some salt, and some digging, we finally got my car to have the courage to go on! Don't worry, I thanked them. Probably thanked them too much... Then I ran into my house and collapsed on the couch.
No, I haven't done anything else all day. I just made some cookies and watched The Holiday, which is one of my favorites.
Oh, it's your favorite too? We should watch it together sometime!
I know, it has the best music. And Jude Law is just sooooo cute, right?
It's quiet here. Everyone has gone home.
Yeah, all right, yeah! I should probably go too. I've got uh... got a lot of stuff to do.
You have a good night too!
Talk to you later.

p.s. I feel like going to a party that I have to get dressed up for.


  1. Ok I wasn't going to comment twice, BUT...(the Holiday is a guilty pleasure)...shhhhhh don't tell ANYONE

  2. Logan! You blog! You read my blog! You're a blogger stalker! For some reason this brings me great joy! Almost as much as watching the Holiday! Exclamation point!


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