Friday, May 6, 2011

i'm about to crack, so let's call this the comeback

So, I'm officially moved back to Farmington, and kind of loving it. And when I say kind of, I don't mean that in a joking way, it's serious. Halfway loving it, halfway still crying about leaving Logan. Sniff. Don't mind me... Can you pass the tissues please?

My room is looking like a disaster area right now. Mostly because when I got home yesterday I was still feeling under the weather, and it took all my strength to drag bag after bag of my stuff downstairs. I set it all on the floor and flopped on the bed, not moving until my sister needed a ride to lacrosse practice. 

One of the good things about being home is being able to see friends I haven't had the chance to be with in a while. I got together with my friend Sarah last night for frozen yogurt and catching up, and it was delightful! Both of us seem to think that "sample" means fill your little cup to the overflowing point of every flavor in the store... so what, doesn't everyone do that?

trying to steal little brother's thunder.
And I loved finishing my first night off with a midnight movie. I grabbed my two sisters and cute brother to come with me to Thor. Which I must say was excellent. Why oh why do I love super hero movies so much?? Drool. 

betcha didn't know I was that strong, huh?
So... looks like the summer at home is starting out awesome. So I'll wipe my eyes and put on a brave smile, just for you. 

p.s. still a little sick. and I hate sniffling my life away, I'm sure it's way annoying, but honestly, blowing your nose every five minutes is just not efficient.

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