Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where Did I Come From? Why Am I Here? Where Am I Going?

My name is Madeline. I'm the kind of girl who likes to be spontaneous. I would like to spend a day in a tree house. I love new clothes, especially from Anthropologie and Hip & Humble. The only person I completely confide in on this earth, is my mother. I always tell the truth. It's a weird thing, but when it comes to lying, I can't open my mouth. Therefore, I will never lie just to make someone feel better. I don't like all the attention on me. I'll never volunteer to be first to do something, in fact, I usually end up being the last person. I gave up designing houses to teach little children. I often wonder what it would be like to be famous. I used to be afraid of roller coasters, but then I decided that I wasn't having any fun, so now I really like them. Growing up, I was the nerdy, shy girl. I didn't get my first kiss until I was eighteen. I don't like getting my hopes up about things, because I don't like being disappointed. I prefer to always be happy, so I don't let things affect me in a negative way. I don't voice my opinion a lot unless I am very passionate about it. When I was in seventh grade my favorite TV show was Even Stevens, and Shia LaBeouf was my first celebrity crush. Since that time period, I have always had a weakness for curly haired boys. I'm not much of a second chance kind of girl, once I make a decision, I stick to it. If I could go anywhere on vacation, it would be to Greece. I don't like gross humor, or humor when someone gets hurt. I'm not a big video-gamer, but I enjoy mario-kart and Super Smash Bros. And I will play the wii anytime, anyplace. (and I will beat you.) I don't have a competitive bone in my body except for when I play wii tennis, or when I play card games. Shooting hoops and playing the piano are stress relievers. Kristen Wiig is my hero. I'm a little obsessed with nature. I find it to be the most moving experience to be outside, especially when I'm alone and it's quiet. I don't appreciate gossiping at all. There are very few things that make me legitimately angry. One of those things is people treating others badly. My biggest weakness is laziness. When I'm sad or stressed, I don't eat. I love the gospel more than anything. In my opinion, either The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is TRUE or it isn't. There isn't any in between. You can't pick and choose doctrine that you like. It's all or nothing. I'm really a pretty big dork sometimes, but my philosophy is that if you play it off with confidence, and act like what you are doing is totally normal and possibly cool, no one will notice. The moment you show any sign of doubting yourself, that's when people wonder what in the heck you are doing. I don't believe in being afraid. A life lived in fear is no life at all. I'm a naturally excited person, and I think sometimes this throws people off. The truth is, I can't wait to be a mother someday. I love adventure movies and books. I can't wait to be done with school. And mostly, thinking of my future brings me a huge thrill. Who knows what will happen next?

p.s. If you read all of that, that's amazing.


  1. Dear Madeline,
    I read all of it and I loved it. It was beautiful. And I hope you don't mind if I steal your idea for a post of my own sometime.
    Love, Jenna

  2. I want to go to Anthro and Greece with you. Thanks


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