Sunday, December 19, 2010


You voted, I deliver. In the end, "funny date stories" won the 100th post poll, and I have to say I'm not exactly thrilled. I mean, how boring. You can totally ask me about that in person, and I will be the first to tell you, I don't have many funny date stories. All of my dates have been with real gentlemen who treat me right and are kind and funny. But we all know that even the boys with the best intentions have little mishaps now and then, so I'm going to spill some stories. However, just to make this interesting, one of the stories is going to be a fake. You'll just have to decide which one! Are you excited?! So excited!? Can you even wait to hear what the stories are?!?! Are you falling off your chair rocking back and forth biting your fingernails and practically crying because you want to hear my funny date stories?!?! Ohmygosh! Me too!!! Let's get this party started.

Story #1: I was dating this boy who had it all. Just graduated from BYU, amazing job, new car, purchasing a house, and besides all that he was just an all around great guy. I never knew him to say a bad thing about anyone, he was ridiculously positive all the time. I was ok with this, because I'm a pretty positive person myself, so we had a good time together finding the best out of everything. One day during the summer, he asked me if I wanted to go shopping with him, because he needed some new shirts for work. I said yes, of course, because I like shopping, and I like the boy. Win win situation. So anyway, he gets to my house and walks me to his car. I'm just balancing on the curb next to the storm drain as he opens the door for me. He reaches down to the passenger seat and picks up his drivers license, credit card, and keys which just happened to be laying there. He's talking to me, and when he moves his arm to motion me in, his drivers license slips out of his hand and falls down down down into the storm drain. We stopped talking and both just stared down into the - mercifully dry - drain. He looked up at me with such a concerned face, I had a hard time not laughing. We spent the next 45 minutes using a stick and some tape getting it out. I thought it was a good test of patience on our parts.

Story #2: I happened to be dating this boy who I thought was a total cutie. It was a long distance relationship, so I really relied on our weekends together. We liked to plan little dates for each other, and each of us tried to outdo the other in creativity. Well, one weekend he told me he had something really great planned that was something neither of us had ever done, and I needed to dress nicely for it. I was really excited! I borrowed some of my stylish Aunt's dress clothes, because I didn't have anything fancy. Then he came and picked me up. We went to Five Guys for dinner, and that is always good, but not when you're in heels and a silk shirt... but I digress. Anyway, we ended up going to the opera. It was Macbeth. My boyfriend hated it. HATED it. He suggested we walk out during the middle of the performance, which I told him definitely not, because that would be so totally rude. Then he got mad at me when I jokingly threw a gum wrapper into the audience.

Story #3: I was set up on a blind date, not uncommon, people love setting me up. I had heard a lot about the kid, and I was pretty excited to meet him because he sounded really cool. I spent a lot of time picking out my outfit and feeling frustrated with my hair. When he finally came to pick me up, I was pretty impressed! He was really cool and collected. We got in the car and drove to dinner. Everything was going really well... until he called me by the wrong name. He kept calling me Natalie! Now here's the thing. I think I have a problem pronouncing my name, because everyone always thinks I say Natalie. But I didn't remember ever having to tell this kid my name. I felt way too embarrassed and awkward to correct him, so I kept letting him call me that! It was really distracting, and I couldn't concentrate on anything he said. I think he started thinking something was wrong with me, because he got me home by 9:30 and gave me a handshake.

So there you have it! My funny date stories. Which one is the wrong one? Leave a comment telling me what you think, and in my next P.S. I'll tell you the answer. Happy ONE HUNDRED!

p.s. Dentist in the morning. Yuck.


  1. I'm guessing #1 is made up. I liked #3 the best! haha, that's funny (Now that's going to be the wrong one). But I'll tell you what... I really wouldn't correct him either :)

  2. I vote #2 because while it was great and could have happened I feel it had a little less detail than the others. . .

  3. Rachel, that is not a vote.
    Madeline, I think the third story is fake.


Tell me your thoughts on the subject.

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