Saturday, December 18, 2010

your world is my world

 About a week ago, I was talking to my good friend Logan Smith. He was complaining (like many of you out there) that my blog was much too cryptic, and what if he really wanted to know something? I rolled my eyes and responded that if he wanted to know something, all he would have to do is ask. Because if you all remember, I only tell the truth. You all just haven't asked the right questions! So, I challenged Logan to write up a list of questions - an interview of sorts - and I would answer it for him. I get the privilege of coming up with questions for him as well, check it out here.

Let's begin the interview:

Can I just start off by saying what an honor it is to be able to have this interview with you? Madeline Newhouse you have been blogging off and on over the past year, I bet it feels good to be reaching that 100th post. In honor of your achievement we have decided to give you a short interview, to help your readers learn a little bit more about you. Now let’s get going, we have a lot to cover.

To start things off, many people say that you are too cryptic in your blogs; what do you have to say to these people, and why do you choose to withhold so much information? What is one thing that you have almost posted the most, but keep choosing not to divulge? Well, Logan, to these people I would say, what exactly is it that you're hoping I'm going to say whenever I'm cryptic? And the thing I've been the most cryptic about is definitely my relationships... because you know what? It's none of your business :)
Now let’s really dive in deep:

Who is your favorite superhero? That would definitely be a toss-up between Iron Man, Batman, and Wolverine. (Robert Downey Jr., Christian Bale, and Hugh Jackman respectively. You do the math.)
Favorite color? Favorite color is yellow, can you tell?
What made you decided to major in El-Ed? It's a really long story so I'll just say that I have always been plagued with feelings that I should be a teacher, and after ignoring them for 19 years I decided to follow my heart.
What is the craziest vacation that you have ever been on? I don't know if this is "crazy" but I've been to Denmark, and that's kind of random.
Where would you go to if you could travel anywhere outside of the US? GREECE!!!!! I get that crazy falling in love feeling whenever I think about Greece.
What is the worst job that you have ever had, why? I've never had a bad job, because I always do whatever I want.
What makes your family so cool? We love each other.
Now let’s move on to the topic of boys…oh goodie....
Who would you say was your first boyfriend, how long did that last? My first boyfriend was named James. I was in second grade at Shirley Elementary School in Oregon. He gave me half of a yin-yang necklace. He had the other half. I'd say it lasted a couple weeks.In the end I wanted someone who could give me more expensive jewelry.
First kiss: good, bad, so so, magical, terrible; Why? I don't remember it that well, however, I remember clearly thinking, "kissing is weird"
10 adjectives to describe your dream guy? Spiritual giant, Really nice, Funny, Confident, Smart, Healthy, Thoughtful, Creative, Good fashion sense, Tall-Dark-and Handsome
How would you rate yourself currently on the Marriage Hungry scale? 0-----10
0=Please stay away
10="I have already set our date on the first date" Hahahahaha... Definitely an 11. I already have the date set, wedding planned, and thank-you cards ready. Just kidding. Or am I?
What is the dream happily ever after ending for your life? To die on a secret mission involving mystery, intrigue, true love, and a couple sword fights.
What is your biggest goal? My biggest goal is to be a good mother
What is one hilarious secret you know? I don't keep secrets, and I don't tell secrets.
What was the best year of your life, why? I would have to say... 2010. My years just keep getting better and better! This was the best year because I learned a ton of life lessons, had the best summer of my life going to Nauvoo, doing EFY, Disneyland, Family Vacation, and started my Junior year of college.
What are your thoughts on awkwardness? I'm a fan. I instigate it on purpose sometimes.
And last of all, If you had three wishes what would they be?
(I hope you know standard genie rules and do not ask for more wished.) I would wish for world peace, my family to always be happy, and enough money to own Anthropologie.
Well Madeline thank you so much allowing us the time to come in and interview you. I hope that you are able to really take full advantage of the Winter break, and that you have a wonderful holiday season with your family.

So there you have it! Thanks for the interview Logan, I hope you learned what you wanted to.

p.s. The events depicted are fictional. Any similarity to actual people or events is purely coincidental. (Or are they?)

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