Monday, August 22, 2011

dark to light?

There are a few things on my mind today. The first is that I would really like my hair to grow faster. Because honestly, I can't stop thinking about trying out the ombre look. Quite a bit like the lovely Sydney from The Daybook. Oh, I'm sorry... did I say quite a bit? I think I meant exactly.
picture via pinterest
Maybe I'm not afraid to admit that I want to be just like her? So what, who cares? Also.. side note.. I totally have those boots, and they rock. 
Anyway, back to my hair growing... yes? no? Good look for me? Go ahead, tell the truth. I might even put on some lipstick.

The second thing on my mind is that I'm going back to Logan on Saturday. Back to school in the lovely northern Utah. Remember how I've been telling you all how excited I was to get back up there? Well... the truth is, I'm not feeling as excited anymore. The thought of schoolwork is overwhelming me, but more importantly, the thought of trekking up the hill every day. But when these thoughts hit... I chase them away with the fact that I'll be living with my BFF in the cutest house you ever did see, up and down the street from tons of my closest friends. So, what's the big deal? This year is going to be AWESOME. 

See? Look at all those goals... and this is just the beginning...

p.s. all-across bangs? Or not?
p.p.s. I'm a little worried, because I changed my URL without telling anyone yesterday, and now I feel as though all of you are lost, wondering where my blog went! (This is not because I assume you all will die without my blog, it's just because I got a few texts this morning asking where my blog was.) So anyway, tell your friends and family and pets! I'm over here. Still writing happily. And if you have a link to my blog on yours, please change the URL to Thanks a bunch, my dears.


  1. I hope Jenna lets Anderson know, because he is the closest thing to a pet I have :)
    Also, those are some great goals and our house is cute 8th east is awesome!!!!! ha ha.

  2. Anderson eats his own poop. He doesn't read.

  3. Good goals. I'll say it again, your suggestion to create goals truly made my summer what it was. I actually already made some more for the coming semester.


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