Friday, February 25, 2011

when lost will you find me?

There is something about Spring Semester of school that makes me want to pack my bags and get out. I always picture myself in Ireland, on the path where girl meets boy in P.S. I love you. Just standing there, me and my suitcase and the wind. Watching the grass and the flowers, and feeling content in my warm colorful scarf. And then I come back to real life, sitting on my bed, listening to water dripping off the roof, ready to begin my homework. 
Sometimes life gets crazy. I wish I could be anywhere but where I am, doing anything but what I am doing. And then I find myself walking up to campus in the chilly morning air. I pass all of the cars in the parking lot, praying to not get run over by the crazy man in the corvette, and climb up the stairs to the street. I tilt my head and listen for sounds of cars coming, and when silence greets me, I run across. Then I make my way to the big red brick building and open the door. A man smiles at me and moves quickly up the stairs. I hear the music, and I can't help smiling as I walk up behind him. 
And the thought occurs to me that this is exactly where I am supposed to be. 
And I feel peace.

p.s. maybe i was wrong...


  1. I love this post and totally identify with it :)

  2. You are good, Madeline. Too good.


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