Thursday, November 17, 2011

you. are. loved.

"See you guys later!" I called as I got out of the car.
I walked across the grass to my house, feeling oh, so tired.
Climbing up the stairs, I crossed my fingers that the door would be open.
And as I pressed down on the cold metal handle, I thought to myself that I felt sad.
I felt sad and I was ok with it, which is a rare thing in itself.
Usually I'll do anything to push that feeling away.
But I pressed the handle down, and for a moment, I let myself feel everything. Every little thing.

Things fall apart.
I read a book called that my senior year of high school.
I remember loving the book.
I don't remember the details of what it was about.
Anyway, it's true, isn't it? Things definitely do fall apart.
It happens suddenly sometimes.
Gradually, other times.
And usually I bounce back fairly quickly.
But I don't know what will happen this time.
Honestly, you guys, I cannot remember a time in my life that has been like this.
Where EVERYTHING is falling apart.
Nothing is going according to plan.
And I'm trying to keep a positive outlook, and I'm not doing a bad job.
I can see that things will work out in the future.
But right now...
Those thoughts.
Those creeping achy thoughts.
Why doesn't dating ever work out for me?
Why didn't my boss think I was good enough?
Why am I lacking so much motivation?
Why don't I like school right now?
What is going on??
And my tired heart, begs me to go to sleep and wake up in 15 years when everything is perfect (don't worry, I know it won't be).
To run away to another country.
To step right out of this life and into a new one.
But my pounding head says,
You can do it.
If you don't stick this through, you'll never see all the beautiful, wonderful, amazing things that lie ahead.
Don't give up.

p.s. sorry i've been a boring blogger lately... obviously a lot has been going on. but i have returned :)


  1. be sad. but don't give up. can I see you next week?

    I liked this.

    I like you.

  2. You are amazing! Incredible, kind, beautiful, smart, funny and a million other wonderful things. Things will get better. Keep your head up. :) Love you!

  3. Madeline, you are way too great to give up :)


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